Author: Shahid Khan

Reasons to Invest in the UAE:

Reasons to Invest in the UAE:

Economic safe and stability: Because of its strategic location, strong financial reserve, large sovereign wealth funds, and sustained government spending, UAE is gifted with the advantage of economic stability. The progressive policy of economic diversification allows the country to expand with an increase in productivity by shifting the economy away from a single income source

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Getting a Mortgage without a credit score

Getting a Mortgage without a credit score

Getting a Mortgage without a credit score? Is it possible? Getting a mortgage without a credit score or credit history is possible as it is determined as the difficult one because finding a lender and convincing to provide a loan without a credit score is not easy.   There are certain ways to get a

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What is Mortgage And it’s types

What is Mortgage And it’s types

What is a mortgage?   The mortgage is a type of loan offered by a bank (lender) to purchase any tangible assets ( house, land or Property) or any type of real estate. The borrowed sum should be paid periodically (installment) in the form of principal and interest until the end of amortization period. The

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